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Top 6 Consistent Stillwater Trout Flies

Top 6 Consistent Stillwater Trout Flies

With infinite combinations of materials available to anglers these days the number of fly patterns for stillwater trout can be quite eye watering, not to mention confusing. In this months blog, Ben Worley uses 2 decades of experience to share his top 6 consistent stillwater trout flies. All flies available from  www.upavonflyfishing.co.uk use discount code WELCOME10 or click this link to get 10% off your first order.

1. The Straggle Humungus

This fly is renowned for its fish catching prowess throughout the seasons and in all conditions. Its versatility means that it will fish well on a floater or 7ips lines, in particular on big reservoirs where the Humongous has accounted for numerous big resident fish. The white and silver versions are an exceptional fly too, try both and see what works for you. If you aren't converting takes simply trim the tail back until you get lock ups.

Three varieties of Straggle Humungus, buy these flies here.

2. Blue Flash Damsel (Variants). 

Probably the best small water pattern in the anglers arsenal, this fly (and variants of) breed confidence as a go to pattern during trips to new and unknown waters. Weighted and unweighted versions are equally successful , the latter better suited to slow retrieve during the summer months on UK reservoirs when fishing tight to weed beds. Generally best fished on a floater or sink tip, it's worth having a few variations in your box, including a booby. Here's a couple of options for your consideration.

These unique variations are only available from Upavon Fly Fishing here.

3. Pure Tequila Blob.

Well, this list wouldn't be complete without a blob right, and if you don't fish them you're missing out. The variations and combinations are vast, and most are very successful particularly when pulled on a sinking line, but make sure you hang them at the end of the retrieve for bonus hook ups. The foam arsed blob (FAB) variants are great to fish as the anchor for a washing line method. But without doubt for me the most consistent colour combination is the classic orange/yellow Tequila combination - simple yet lethal.


4. Flash Cat.

Another great pattern that has a multitude of variations is the Cat Lure, but without doubt my best version is this one featuring a flash straggle. Best employed on an intermediate , these flies will catch fish when stroked back but equally as effective on a fast figure of 8. An early season favourite for me, white tends to fish well in colder conditions.

Another uninque Upavon pattern, the Flash Cats can be found here.


5. Pseudo Diawl Bach.

The Diawl Bach is of the most successful and consistent fish slayers available to the modern angler and is normally tied with pheasant tail or dubbing, however these straggle variants acheive a unique taper when wet. The sucess behind this pattern lies in its colour and properties when wet, it truly imitates body shape of natural nymphs,and can perform better than natural alternatives.


Pseudo Diawl Bachs available here.


 6. Mosaic Leech.

This is a pattern I tested last year on small stillwaters and has proven to be a go to pattern. There are similar flies already available, such as the Vampire Leech, but this one features our original Mosaic Straggle and I beleive provides an edge against the competition. It can be fished on any retreive and best on a floater to interdiate. As with similar patterns, the straggle bushes out and shimmers when static, so watch the line on the drop and don't forget to hang.



A reminder that all flies featured are available from Upavon, use discount code WELCOME10 or click this link to get 10% off your first order at www.upavonflyfishing.co.uk

Tight Lines,


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